Monday, June 28, 2010

Remember Me

I decided not to see this movie in theaters partly because I didn't want to spend any money and partly because I'm not the biggest Robert Pattinson fan. Thanks to Redbox's $1 per night rentals I decided to give it ago. (On a side note, while I do love Redbox, I plan on restarting my Netflix soon).

I decided after the first three minutes of the movie that I liked it. It was refreshing throughout the movie to have a plot that wasn't solely a romance between two 21-year-olds, but rather a story about all relationships including romantic, friends, and family. I thought the little girl who played the younger sister did a great job -- she truly captured some of the terrors of being a child. And, although I still don't find Robert Pattinson the least bit attractive, I will give him some credit for his acting abilities.

Still I cannot believe that I didn't see the ending. I already knew *spoiler alert* that he was going to die, and as soon as the score towards the end started playing I knew it was going to happen soon, but they drew that out longer than normal to build up the anticipation. From the beginning of the movie I noted in my head that it was 2001, the year of the terrorist attacks, and towards the end I noticed the date September 11 on the classroom chalk board. Still didn't put it together. His dad was going to be late getting to the office, but as he was going up to his office to wait I literally said to myself "floors in the 80s, wow that's a tall building." Then when he stood by the window to look outside I thought "those are cool windows." And I still didn't put it together. Kind of feel ridiculous for that one. Now, however, I wonder what kind of emotional connection Robert Pattinson felt with the film considering he's not American.

Overall, I liked this movie. I plan on buying it, but not until it goes on sale again.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree about the movie. I loved it. Seeing it in the movie theater was actually kind of cool at the end when it started clicking for people. The overwhelming silence was cool. I figured it out at the chalkboard part and immediately stated crying... go figure.
