Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Moon

Went and saw 'New Moon' this morning. I loved it, and now I can't wait for 'Eclipse' to come out.

They did a better job this time of including important scenes from the book. Although two scenes they did leave out which I think they should have kept are the birthday cake during the birthday scene (which is just weird since it was in the preview) and the scene where Bella rips the stereo out of her truck. Edward finding that in the beginning of 'Eclipse' is important.

Besides that, thank goodness for having a real budget! Everything looked so much better. There was actual color in this movie, haha. And the makeup was better, and the CGI wolves looked amazing. Kristen Stewart's acting was far better, and Taylor Lautner did an amazing job. The Bella/Jacob scenes were more heart wrenching than the Bella/Edward scenes. I still don't know who I really root for more, even though I already know how everything plays out from the books. Let's go Team Switzerland, lol.

The movie did go pretty fast though. I did not feel like I was in that theater for two hours. And now I want to go back, too bad movies are so expensive!

My least favorite scene: When the Volturi read Alice's mind and it shows Edward and Bella after her change. It was cheesy -- look at the pretty boy frolicking through the woods.

My favorite scene: When Bella, Jacob, and Mike go to the movies together. I loved that scene when I saw it, and was thinking there had to be another scene later in the movie I liked more, but that one tops it. I have no idea why. Just captured how truly awkward that scene was supposed to be for Bella.

And as far as those few so close to kissing but not quite scenes... ugh! I knew from the books they don't kiss in 'New Moon', but I kind of wish they just strayed from the book for that part and went for it. Jacob is amazing, and I feel so bad for him. Although I can understand where Bella is coming from with the whole not being able to give up Edward thing.

Now if 'Eclipse' would come out sooner! Fast forward to June, please!

#3 all-time weekend opening!

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